The Power of Communicating in the Workplace

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GLA’s Kim Macchiarelli gives readers insight into the importance of communications in the workplace.

Our lives revolve around communications. And communication comes in several forms – speaking, not speaking (which sometimes speaks volumes over actually speaking!), body language, and then the new forms of communications – emailing, texting, commenting, liking, sharing, and so on. We’ve grown accustomed to these new ways of communicating, that we forget the importance of face-to-face communications.

As a recent college graduate interning at strategic Public Relations firm, GLA Communications, I’ve seen firsthand how important face-to-face communication is – from going on interviews, to accepting the position to maintaining client relationships, and building your business. Sure, our everyday lives may be spent sending out and responding to emails and phone calls, but there is a world outside of the office and people we need to be in front of to demonstrate the value we bring to our business – communicating. We are the voice of the clients. And sometimes we need to be the face of the clients.

This idea of an ongoing exchange of information is more apparent to me than ever before now that I am working in an office. (I find this a little ironic since I’ve taken several “Communication” classes during my time at Rutgers and I am just now understanding the significance of face-to-face communications.)

After two months interning with the New Jersey firm, I’ve experienced the inner workings of agency life. We’re in one office and work in close proximity to each other. Some of our clients and partners are in state, some are on the East Coast, and some are across the country. We’re communicating via email, phone, instant messenger, conference calls, at events and trade shows or in the office (in the kitchen or conference room). Sometimes we are shouting ideas from our desks. I find that when we get together as a group, true collaboration occurs.

I can’t begin to stress the value strong communication has in the workplace. Communication provides:

  • Clarity – Clear directions and access to information and resources enable employees to accomplish tasks faster and smarter leading to a happy, satisfied client.
  • Consideration – Being considerate of each other’s role in a particular initiative, strengths, and time will provide a sense of camaraderie and benefit the team, company, and client above all.
  • Collaboration – We all work together for a common goal – to provide quality work and service to our clients. Communicating regularly and working together allows us to stay on the same page, confirm goals, think differently, ask for help, strengthen a pitch, and keep the chain of information linked.

I’d like to take a deeper look at these nouns that are shaping business around the world.

While working in a dynamic field such as Public Relations, the duties any individual has can change at any moment and I’ve learned that truly no two days are the same. With working in such a fast-paced industry, there is an increased need for organization. In order to uphold an organized workplace, communication amongst employees is invaluable. By communicating with the entire team, everyone’s roles are made abundantly clear to all and enable tasks to be easily divided and conquered. This is extremely helpful for making sure all loose ends are tied up and for contributors to close the loop on projects without worry.

Being courteous to those around you is a golden rule taught to most of us at a very young age. Actively communicating with colleagues is an excellent way to display gallant cooperation. Being considerate in the office should be a given, but this concept goes beyond just saving face to preserve peace. First, it aids in creating a positive work environment, which is imperative in reaching success. Next, being considerate helps foster and keep positive relationships, this can extend to outside the office with the potential of leading to future business endeavors. Lastly, regardless of job title, dynamically communicating displays a level of respect, which should be given to everyone.

Communication sparks collaboration. The saying “two heads are indeed better than one” still rings true. And what’s better than two heads? A whole gang of smart people joining forces for the greater good! With increased collaboration, more brainstorming can take place among a greater number of people, which can lead to more fresh ideas to assist in business growth and development.

The benefits of skillful communication are both obvious and indispensable. In regards to upholding a positive and successful workplace environment, a consistent flow of communication is crucial in reaching company goals. And in the meantime, relationships among individuals are established and solidified; it’s a win-win!